Would it be Possible to Get a Suitable Engagement Ring for €1000 ?

The answer is Yes! You may be feeling quite perplexed about choosing the right wedding ring. Despite having a limited budget, you don't want to make a hasty decision. Don't worry, we will provide you with professional advice on metal materials, gemstones, styles, and jewelers.

4 Key Factors Influencing Wedding Ring Prices:

  1. Precious Metal
  2. Gemstone Selection
  3. Setting Styles
  4. Choice of Jeweler

I. Precious Metal

In most cases, wedding rings are made of 18K gold. The color of 18K gold can be yellow, white, or rose. Color doesn't affect the price, but the purity of gold does. Some sellers may suggest 9K gold, but did you know that it only has a gold content of 37.49%? This means it will have a lighter color and is more prone to oxidation and discoloration.

Our recommendation is to opt for 18K or 14K gold. Platinum and silver are not recommended. Platinum is expensive, and compared to 18K or 14K gold, it is softer and not suitable for intricate gemstone settings. Silver, though much cheaper than gold, is less stable and likely to oxidize and discolor over time.

II. Gemstone Selection

Diamonds are commonly chosen as the main stone for wedding rings. As you may already know, the price of a diamond is influenced by its 4Cs (cut, color, clarity, and carat weight). If you're not familiar with the 4Cs, you can read our diamond knowledge guide.

In summary, considering all factors, we believe that H/Si quality diamonds offer the best price-performance ratio. H-color diamonds still exhibit good color to the naked eye, and Si clarity diamonds have almost imperceptible flaws. This allows you to choose a larger diamond without sacrificing much quality.

Apart from diamonds, many colored gemstones are also suitable for wedding rings. Which colored gemstones are good choices? Considering the durability needed for wedding rings, we recommend gemstones with high Mohs hardness, such as sapphire, ruby, aquamarine, tourmaline, and spinel. Emeralds are not recommended due to their fragility, and organic gemstones like pearls and opals have low hardness and are prone to scratches during daily wear.

You may wonder, can lab-grown diamonds be an option? Our professional advice is not to use lab-grown diamonds in wedding rings. Although it's challenging to distinguish them from natural diamonds with the naked eye, lab-grown diamonds do not hold value like natural gemstones. Some may claim that lab-grown diamonds are more environmentally friendly, but it's mostly a marketing gimmick.

III. Setting Styles

The style of the ring directly affects the amount of precious metal used and the way gemstones are set. Price differences between different setting styles can be significant. However, we don't recommend reducing the gold weight just to control the budget. Using too little gold can compromise the ring's structure, reduce durability, and affect comfort during wear.

Our suggestion is to choose a simple style. Even small diamonds set together can create a stunning effect, and the price will be lower than using a single diamond with the same visual impact.

IV. Choice of Jeweler

Physical jewelry stores and luxury brands often have a significant markup due to rent and marketing costs. Online jewelers can be a good option. Professional independent jewelry designers can help you choose suitable gemstones and customize unique styles.

Also, don't forget that reliable after-sales service is crucial. As an online jeweler, we not only offer a complete professional wedding ring customization service but also provide professional after-sales service.


A budget of 1000 Euros can indeed buy a suitable wedding ring.

Pay attention to:

  • Choose 18K or 14K gold.
  • H/Si quality diamonds offer good cost performance.
  • Colored gemstones are also a good option.
  • Opt for a simple style.
  • Choosing an online jeweler for customization is a good option.

If you follow our advice, you will be able to choose the most suitable jewelry within your budget.

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